SOS Amazon

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV And He did infinitely more than anything we could imagine at SOS Amazonas! From January 15th to March 1st, 2021, the Mission of Heaven developed the project to serve Manaus and the countryside of the state…

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Season Closing – Project Atos de Amor (Acts of Love)

Acts of Love is a christian feature! Mission of Heaven – MDC – has a radical commitment to this principle of the gospel of Christ! At the most crucial moment of the Covid-19 pandemic, the MDC promoted the Atos de Amor campaign, aimed at reducing the impacts of Covid on the lives of vulnerable people living in needy communities in the Amazon. This joint effort of solidarity benefited 27 localities, including riverside people, indigenous, Haitian and Venezuelan communities in four Brazilian states. 660…

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Servir Project is still in action!

This week, people served by the project received medicines and food baskets. In Manaus, the work had the collaboration of Pastor Alcerdir Sentalin; in Atalaia do Norte, the deliveries were made with the help of the Missionary Heron to Pastor Martins. Much gratitude to God and to everyone who collaborated! Praise the Lord for the opportunity to take the gospel further.

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Heaven Partnerships Series – Episódio 4: It’s Autazes turn!

We’re moving forward! And here we go with the SERVIR Project! Medical assistance and medicines arrived this week at Autaz Mirim and Autazes, in Amazonas. The COVID-19 pandemic continues and the Mission of Heaven remains on the path of solidarity, empathy and love. We continue the good fight to take the gospel further, by fighting for the health of vulnerable communities, saving lives for the glory of God!

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2020 Annual Report – MDC

The Lord is good, the Lord is faithful! It was a year of many challenges, trials and prayers, but the Lord remained at the center of everything. The detailed report regarding all the acts performed by God, through us, in the past year is available for access. In this report, there is main information about all activities, missions, objectives achieved, collections, expenses and the service process that Mission of Heaven developed in the year 2020.  As already mentioned, it was a year of…

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God is good all the time! All the time God is good!

Two comfortable boats, sailing on the Rio Negro on the banks of a lush forest, in good weather, taking disciples of Jesus and Jesus in their midst, June 3-6, 2021. Add it all up and you'll have an idea of ​​what the first retreat of the Mission of Heaven was. Organized by the Ministry Acolher, the event generated rest, refreshment, communion, relationship, learning and reflection for the participants (missionaries, volunteers, guests and their families). Pastor Luciano Pauls, pastor and leader of Fermata Pastores,…

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