

Lucas Mendes

Vice-President (on leave)

Keila Rempel

First secretary

Alcedir Sentalin

Second secretary

Victor Duck

First Treasurer

Zedenias Gouveia

Second Treasurer


Airton Silva


Albert Otto Nascimento

Pilot and I.T. Analyst

Arthur Cavichiolli


Joaquim da Silva Neto


Joel Rodrigues

Institutional Relations (on leave)

Keila Rempel

Pastoral Care

Lucas Mendes

Projects and Mobilization

Claudia Assem

Human Resources

Aline Manzini

Pastoral Care and Mobilization

Thais Caldas


Victor Duck

Aircraft Mechanic

Missionary Families

MDC has several missionary families in need of prayer and support.
Meet the families who serve the Lord full time in Missão do Céu,
and help support an MDC family!

Cavichiolli Family

Arthur and Isabela. Arthur has a degree in Theology and aircraft piloting. He is in training to one day take command of aircrafts. Isabela is a medical student and in the future intends to work as a medical missionary.

Duck Family

Victor, Monica, Samuel and Gustavo. Victor is a technologist in aeronautical maintenance and is responsible for keeping the airplanes in good operational and safety conditions. Our guardian angel.

Mendes Manzini Family

Lucas holds a BA in Business Administration with an MBA in Financial Management and is a specialist in personal finance. He works in project management, mobilization, and pastoral care.

Aline has a degree in Education, Pedagogy, Post Graduation and Extension Courses in Education and works in the areas of mobilization and pastoral care.

The couple is attending the last year of the Theology Course with Emphasis in Missiology.

Nascimento Family

Albert Otto, Lucielen, Hadassa and Davi. Otto is an IT specialist and an airplane pilot. He works in I.T. and piloting aircraft.

Rempel Family

Márcio, Keila, Mathias and Larissa. Márcio is a pilot, mechanic and leader of MDC working in several areas. Keila develops the ministry of pastoral care.

Rodrigues Family

Joel, Jael and Davi. Joel is an electrical engineer, works in Institutional Relations, outreach, project management and leadership at MDC and with partners. As a family, they are strong mobilizers in missions.

Silva Family

Airton, Vanda, Lukas and Caio. Airton is a Presbyterian pastor and airplane pilot. He works in leadership, project management, and aviation.


Av professor Nilton Lins, 455  Flores – 69058-030, Manaus – AM – Brazil.

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