Ministry tools
What is O Caminho para Deus?
The Caminho Para Deus is a basic Bible study and discipleship booklet of the Christian faith. It is a no-cost tool for the worker, pastor, and missionary who have little access to this kind of material.
Therefore, it becomes an evangelistic tool needed by missionaries among the populations in the isolated areas in the Amazon Region. The objective of this project with the book THE WAY TO GOD, is to lead people to get to know JESUS CHRIST, as the only and sufficient savior of their lives, and to be discipled through the biblical lessons contained in it, and to integrate themselves into the church, and become evangelists and disciple-makers as well. We want to create conditions for people to have access to the teaching of God’s Word.
Download the PDF of the project.
How do we do it?
The project is the result of a partnership between the German Maranatha Mission, Projeto Resgate in Campo Grande/MS and Sky Mission. The Maranatha Mission is responsible for the production of the material as well as the printing costs in Brazil. Projeto Resgate is the representative of the Maranatha Mission in Brazil coordinating the distribution of the material among various partners.
The Céu Mission is one of the partners responsible for the distribution of the material among the target audience in the Amazon Region.
Follow us
Av. Professor Nilton Lins, 455 Flores – 69058-030, Manaus – AM – Brazil.
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- +55 (92) 98561-6924