Missionary Aviation

Missão do Céu
(Mission of Heaven)

Although aviation is only a tool for the fulfillment of institutional objectives, we understand that it must always be carried out with care, dedication, and professionalism.

The Missão do Céu

Not being an airline company, MDC only acts for its projects and its partnerships, with no commercial purposes, or payment. Although aviation is only a tool for the fulfillment of institutional objectives, we understand that it must always be carried out with care, dedication and professionalism.

We do not charter our aircraft nor are we paid for the operations. Every activity is voluntary and subsidized by sponsors, maintainers, and supporters in a liberal, voluntary, and generous way. It is the joining of forces for a common purpose.


The purpose of MDC is to carry out and support actions that will take the message of the Gospel of Christ further. This message can be written, heard, or spoken, but it is also manifested through acts of love for our neighbor. Therefore, the actions of solidarity, citizenship, and humanitarian aid of Missão do Céu and supporters have a strong spiritual motivation, in the love of God.


In the Amazon, a continental region the same size as Europe, transportation is mostly done by river. This is often expensive, slow, and, added to the lack of roads throughout the region, makes transportation unfeasible. Aviation is necessary because it provides fast and efficient transportation, considering the isolation in which the populations of this territory live.


The aircraft must always be in perfect conservation and operation, the crews must be capable, trained, qualified, and available, understanding that we serve the Creator, who deserves the best. We constantly pursue quality.


Av. Professor Nilton Lins, 300, Hangar H – Flores, 69058-030, Manaus – AM – Brazil.

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