Acts of Love is a christian feature! Mission of Heaven – MDC – has a radical commitment to this principle of the gospel of Christ!

At the most crucial moment of the Covid-19 pandemic, the MDC promoted the Atos de Amor campaign, aimed at reducing the impacts of Covid on the lives of vulnerable people living in needy communities in the Amazon.

This joint effort of solidarity benefited 27 localities, including riverside people, indigenous, Haitian and Venezuelan communities in four Brazilian states. 660 kits of food baskets and Bibles were delivered between June and August 2020.

The project was coordinated by Social Worker Nadja Pires (MDC member), and had the contribution of several volunteers and the support of the following partners:

Mudy, Partilhe, MIR – SUL, Povos-Igreja do Nazareno, CONPLEI, NIB, Pr. Rilderlan, Pr. Vilmar.

To all who helped our gratitude! May the Lord keep us on the path of His love, sharing His grace, as we take the gospel further in the Amazon!