Two comfortable boats, sailing on the Rio Negro on the banks of a lush forest, in good weather, taking disciples of Jesus and Jesus in their midst, June 3-6, 2021. Add it all up and you’ll have an idea of ​​what the first retreat of the Mission of Heaven was.

Organized by the Ministry Acolher, the event generated rest, refreshment, communion, relationship, learning and reflection for the participants (missionaries, volunteers, guests and their families).

Pastor Luciano Pauls, pastor and leader of Fermata Pastores, knew how to lead the “boat” to “a place of rest” (theme of the retreat), with relevant biblical teaching, with God as protagonist and guarantor of this transcendent rest. Learning more about the theme and ways of acting of the Lord Jesus was a balm in the life of the MDC family – a significant confrontation between a busy and overloaded existence and a calm and peaceful life in the shadow of God.

Congratulations to everyone who helped organize the retreat! Now refreshed, let us continue our journey with Mission of Heaven, taking the gospel even further!

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